We are looking for artists who want to take part in our Artist in Residence programme at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability, Technical University of Denmark. Musicians and composers are especially welcome to apply for this programme. The selected artist will actively engage with Sinfonia scientists and delve into the fascinating area of cell factories for four to six weeks.
Here are some possible themes: #cellfactories #F-chemicals #Fluorine #biofluorination #toxicproduction #biologization #health #environment #sustainableproduction
The residence will be organized by Biofaction. It will start in Fall 2020 and will conclude in May 2021. It will be held in two parts, and the exact dates will be set by taking both artist and laboratory schedules into account, and with an eye to the situation in each locale (e.g. travel, safety regulations etc.).
To apply for a residency, please read our full open call here or download it as PDF. Send your submission to art-science[at]biofaction.com until 30 June 2020.